EAC certificate

The Customs Union (Russia, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Armenia, Kyrgyzstan) Certificate certifies that the product is in compliance with the Customs Union's standard and requirements.

Depending on the product, a Certification or Declaration is made. Often the applicant can choose whether to apply for a Certificate or a Declaration.

Specific certification and declaration methods (formulas) have been written in each Technical Regulation. The methods change depending on:

- whether it is a case of serial production or a consignment,

- whether the manufacturer has a certified quality system or not,

- whether the applicant has own certificates that the quality and safety of the product comply with  the TR requirements, or whether further testing is required.


For example, serial product certification requires a visit to production, but serial product declaration does not.

Certain certification formulas require testing of samples in a laboratory.

Our export certification services

  1. Certificate of conformity, Declaration of conformity, EAC mark
  2. Documents, Operational manual, Technical passport, Safety case, Justification of Safety
  3. Company certification training
  4. Management consulting, export consulting, technical translations, market research

Certification steps, company and product information. Contact us!

1 stage – preliminary investigation

– product title and CN-reference (customs code)

– technical information of product (brochure, instructions for use, etc.)


2    stage – application for certificate

– certification application

– existing certificates

– test reports

– all technical documents mentioned in the TR CU (User manual, Passport, Safety Case, etc.)

– priduction inspection, long term certification


3    stage – release of certificate


Markinvest is a compentent, reliable and responsible certification partner of your company.


Call us or send a message

Pekka Peltonen, +358 40 9000 322, pekka.peltonen@markinvest.fi

Andrey Uvarov, +358 40 9000 320, ,andrey@markinvest.fi